Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Scars and Stars are actually friends!

Strange isn't it?  That a hardship in life; one that moves you to tears and deep grief is actually the reason you are as tender as you are.  How is it that a soul wrenching scar can cause you/ us to shine as bright as a star? 

I heard  a story recently of a sixteen year old girl who gave $2000  out of her own savings account to a group of children in Haiti.  Her support allowed 18 children in Haiti to attend school which included: uniform, all school supplies and hot lunch for a full year.  When asked why she chose to give- after all, that money could be used for college, a new car, etc.  Her comment was sincere, tender and touching.  She said "I am bound to a wheel chair.  My mother has to do everything for me.  Kids at school are cruel to me because I am different.  I realized today that my life is not so bad after learning about children suffering in Haiti. I feel God has spoken to my heart to help these struggling children. Please accept my gift.  I really want to help."

Shortly after her testimony a song came on the radio sung by a sweet sounding female artist.  The song simply said  in a nutshell that perhaps the hardships in our lives are really God's mercy in disguise.  Perhaps our pain is what keeps us close to God and causes us to reach out with love in our hearts to those who are suffering.

As I wiped the tears from my eyes reflecting on that sweet 16 year old's story and allowing the thought provoking song to penetrate my mind and soul I realized how true this statement is in my life.

Through my personal tragedy I have been moved with great compassion for women/children suffering at the hand of brothel owners, pimps, and abusive authority figures.  My pain has propelled me to seek out women/children who are suffering and has of late lead me to a wonderful organization called Trades of Hope. 

Trades of Hope is an organization that supports ministries that empower women to establish a sustainable business.  Various ministries worldwide teach women in dire poverty and sex trafficking dangers how to make handcrafted items such as jewelry, body products, home decor, scarves and more. Trades of Hope purchases large quantities of these fair trade, handcrafted items paying the artisans 3-6 times more than the average wage per country.  Once items are within the U.S. my job as a Compassion Entrepreneur is to host home parties, online parties, visit craft fairs, expos etc. encouraging people to purchase our artisans beautiful items  All purchases help break cycles of poverty and sex trafficking worldwide!

My heart can't help but feel great joy every time I am invited to host a party. The opportunity to share the hardships these "artisan" women endure and the strength they possess to rise above it empowers me to want to empower them!  Several women at home shows I have done have said to me  we can tell this is your passion and that you have love for these women and what you are doing.

There you have it. My pain, my scar is what allows me to shine as bright as a star.  The love of God flows through me because my wounds have taken me to a place called compassion.  My heart will always hurt  regarding my "personal tragedy."    However, my heart will forever be moved to help women/children who are suffering because of my tragedy.

I wonder if you have a similar story?  I wonder if you need an outlet similar to mine?  I invite you to come and view my website mytradesofhope.com/stephanieerickson70.  Come see what this great organization is all about.  I invite you to view my Trades of Hope Facebook page too https://www.facebook.com/stephanieericksonfortradesofhope. I  would love to chat with you, send you information about Trades of Hope.  The opportunity to encourage you to find your outlet and trust God to help you shine as a star despite your scar And because of it brings joy to my heart.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Men With No Pants and Women Who are Forced to Wear Them

Stomp,stomp- did I step on your toes?  Did I ruffle your feathers?  So just who do I think I am and what is this blog about?

If you are a feminist you will leave disappointed as this blog addresses truth and not agenda. This blog exemplifies a much larger issue.  Women who are forced to take on a roll because there is: 1) No man around or 2) A man with "no pants" lives among the family 3) The man around is abusive, out of control and has no idea how to lead/care for his own. 

According to God's word- which I am an advocate of- man is expected to lead his wife and children. I encourage you to look up the definition yourself but in a nutshell- leading is going before, showing the way, guidance.  There is no indication of dominance, control, "bossiness."

The second expectation of men is to protect the weak.   Again look it up yourself, but weak- in a nutshell- means fragile, frail, lacking effectiveness or force.  Which leads me to a much bigger issue. 

Human sex trafficking- a 32 billion dollar industry- that profits off of violence, rape and eventual death of children and women worldwide.  The demand is the monster- who is the demand?  99% of the time it is men.  At what point, in the minds of our men, did children become sex objects, women become beings intended for hateful/ perverse acts of violence and sex?

With hearts broken, dreams shattered, hope lost in the fog, women of all ethnicity, backgrounds, beliefs worldwide fight for each other through various causes, organizations etc.;  hoping that men will some day hear the cry and step up to the plate.  (disclaimer- I know there are men who have "stepped up" and I applaud you for doing your job- but there are many more men who do nothing; no they do not actually participate in the abuse; or set the stage for the abuse to occur- but the "nothing" is allowing lives to be destroyed daily- these are the men who I address). It is these very issues that create hate towards male and female.  We should be unified and building one another up.  Instead we are destroying one another. What a tool the "enemy" has found in sexual perversion and violence towards the weak.
In my younger years of mothering I experienced heartache that mom's have nightmares about.  My supposed to be protector, was the abuser.  Thus I had to step up, protect and "wear the pants."  This painful situation prompted my involvement in Trades of Hope.  Trades of Hope is an organization of "WOMEN" who support ministries worldwide that teach women in extreme poverty situations and sex trafficking dangers how to run a sustainable business.  You can find out more about Trades of Hope at mytradesofhope.com/stephanieerickson70 
I also have a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/stephanieericksonfortradesofhope.


These women are making handcrafted items worldwide- USA too.  They do not want a handout; they want an opportunity to thrive, create, and pursue a better way of life for themselves and their children.

This young girl is 13 years old; has had close to 200 "partners" and two abortions.  How could a grown man find this child sexually attractive.  Mind you this is not about pedophiles.  This is about men (women too though rare), our neighbors, blue collar workers, friends, husbands who are "the demand".  What has happened to the hearts of our men that would cause them to view "these kids" as objects and not the same as "their kids." 

Will you help today make a difference in the lives of women/children worldwide?  Host a party, become a compassion entrepreneur, become a volunteer in a facility that promotes sex trafficking awareness and focuses on protecting women/children from these dangers.  In the Northwest area Shared Hope International is a great non-profit organization that supports rescued, trafficked victims.  Volunteers are greatly needed.  A great read into the insight of sex trafficking in the USA (and worldwide) is a book titled Renting Lacy, actually written by Linda Smith the founder of Shared Hope International.
Perhaps allow your pre-teens and teens to read it.  Teach your girls and young boys the value of lives as well as their own.  In a nutshell get involved!  This monstrous industry effects everyone.  We must stop the demand!.

I know my words probably offended many of you.  That truly was not my intent.  Response, awareness, outburst towards the sex trafficking industry is what I was trying to summon. Contact me with interest in becoming a compassion entrepreneur or hosting a party. And always feel free to share your "respectful- well thought out opinions." 
